影视:呱呱呱视频在线观看,讲述了 "
She remembered the time when he had stayed in hospital for days years earlier, because of a small operation on his throat. But he cruelly refused to let her pay a visit. Why? There was no why. It was as obvious as a do-not-disturb sign. After all, she knew his habits of being hungry and being lonely, just like those long-married couples who can tell exactly when it is their coff ee time or tea time. Whoever he was with was unacceptable to her, but not beyond her comprehension. It was as simple as the folk saying, All crows are equally black. So, to her, all men were the same, no good, and hers was no exception. He might even be the worst because he was such a gambler, such a parasite. And what this parasite cared about was nothing but gambling and raising hell like a shamed playboy from a fast crowd living a gay life.